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Consistency definesStorage and industrial logistics systems company(S I L O S) We uphold unwavering standards in every operation, ensuring a reliable and steadfast approach to products services. 

What we do

Our service operations are exceptional

Using our expertise and experience in the oil storage, logistics and warehousing of commodities we set up a fund which offers its investors security of the given commodity as collateral. Our fund is engaged in direct lending to commodity traders with typical lending secured by warehouse receipts.

For collateral control we use our own expertise in tracking the commodity as well as facilitate third party surveyors for quality control and other risk mitigation. All of which makes our fund a unique investment product for our financial investors.

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Crude Oil Tanks Diversity 

Central Control Room



SILO’s innovative technologies drive down to oil storage and transportation and warehousing emissions intensity.

Modern Devices

In the ever-evolving landscape of oil storage and logistics, SILO stands at the forefront, harnessing the power of cutting-edge technologies to redefine industry standards. Our commitment to innovation is evident in the array of modern devices seamlessly integrated into our silo facilities